Hi!!! This workout Wednesday is a little different because instead of my normal Massachusetts winter weather- I’m in the Arizona heat! For anyone experiencing the cold Anne’s blog HERE was all about how to keep motivated in the winter weather. Anyone else having a hard time on their post thanksgiving workouts!?
Also, I’m sharing a little update on my “move” out to Arizona! I say “move” in quotes because I like to think of it as a long visit, I’m go home in the summer due to Hockey season and I miss my family so saying moving makes me sad!! It has been an adjustment for sure. Luckily, I got to go home to MA for Thanksgiving due to Joel’s schedule. Joel is traveling again and when he wasn’t here the first time it was weird, I was sad, I’ve never done anything alone in my life haha! Even getting coffee or going to target 90% of the time I was with Anne. So that alone is a huge adjustment!! Honestly, though it has been nice to finally feel like we started our lives together after doing the LDR for so long! This past Sunday we did a short hike up one of the trails in Tucson! We were such tourists, taking pictures near every big cactus!
Anyways, thanks for listening to my rant & back to the workout! The thing I loved most about hiking was the constant incline. If you can’t hike up a mountain, next time your on a treadmill try this (its one of our favorites)
- Increase your Incline .5 every .25 you run! You’ll definitely feel the burn. You can even increase you speed as you feel you need to to get “up the mountain”
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Thanks for stopping by xo Kate