Thanks so much for stopping by! Grace here with a little life update! The last few months have been very busy to say the least- between having baby Charlotte, Mason starting Pre-K and moving, not once, but twice until our house was actually ready. I am so thankful for my Walmart+ membership in busy moments like this! Walmart+ allows me the time to make everyday fun and special memories with the boys and baby Charlotte. They are only little once and I love spending all the time I can with them. Does anyone really enjoy taking three kids four and under to the grocery store?! If I did, I don’t know that I would be able to remember what I went in for.
As a Walmart+ member, I get to enjoy free same-day delivery from my local store on groceries and more ($35 order minimum. Restrictions apply)! Fresh, high quality groceries can be at my door for dinner time with the same low prices as in the store! Before I place my order I always ask the boys what they need at Walmart. It is always fun to hear their answers. Mason responded with some Halloween decorations and some breadsticks, Jackson asked for a fruit cup, his favorite thing for me to make and my husband usually answers something he is craving for dinner, which is always something different. We have been loving pot-roast with the cooler weather. The best part is I can do this all in under ten minutes from my Walmart App. You know, we can’t mess with leaving the house around nap times!
You can sign up for a Walmart+ membership HERE and check out all the benefits available in your zip code!
Here are some of our recent favorite!
- This humidifier for the boys room- on sale!
- Reeses Pumpkins
- Pumpkin Spice Coffee Pods
- Candy Corns– Mason’s Favorites!
- Halloween PJs for the kids! On sale for $5!
- Trick or Treat Oreos
- Diapers– always on our orders!
- Flannel kids shirt jackets for the boys
- Skeleton decoration