This picture pretty much sums up our life right now. It is definitely challenging with two under two!
I am by no means an expert on this. We have done a couple road trips with both kids (Jackson 3 months and Mason 23 months). We find leaving early in the morning works best since they usually will sleep a couple hours into the ride. Typically we pack a lot of snacks and sometimes lunch. Please share you tips with me!!
Packing list
JACKSON (3 months this week)
Carseat and stroller travel system
Toys for car ride- love this mirror toy this toy is great in a month or two
I am loving this diaper bag . I always try to keep an extra outfit for both and sometimes a tee for me (when I get covered in spit up)
We have been loving this seat for Jackson. It also folds up and is easy to packS
We have been traveling with the halo dream nest for sleep and naps
owlet – super easy to travel with
bibs and burp clothes
bottles (we find dr browns help with spit up) / pacifiers and pacifier wipes are a must!!
Baby Carrier – I have tried a few and like this the most. It is stretchy and comfy to wear.
Safety kit and tylenol/ motrin incase
light blankets / thicker blanket / sleepsack
diapers/ wipes/ cream/ vitamin D drops
socks/ sleepers (love these) /
MASON (23 months)
His rolling suitcase– you would be surprised at how much this fits!!
Swimmies – typically the hotel has life jackets but I bring these when we drive
Toys – He loves cars, trucks, etc.
This is the carseat we use. He loves it. It is really easy to get him in and out.
PJs (just got him these ones) , clothes, sneakers, Diapers, toothbrush and toothpaste
sneakers and these sandals because they stay on and go with a lot
warm sweatshirt/ jacket for both
****suits below matching and so fun! Its always hard to find mommy and me matching boy suits, but Kortni Jeane has the best selection!