Today on the blog I’m sharing one of my go-to workouts to try from home! Being inside these days can tough, especially for your mental health. I know that I feel 1,000 times better after getting outside and working on some abs/ arms. I, Anne, also live in a small townhouse too, which I LOVE, but the anxiety of being in this small space definitely creeps in daily.
Even if it’s a mile run or walk anything helps just staying active, especially if the sun is out! Since Matt is now working from home too it is important that we stick to a schedule and have set boundaries. I have my desk upstairs and his is downstairs, workouts outside after work, and dinner made together. We are still getting the hang of things, but sticking to this routine definitely helps!

see instagram for tutorials!
- Run 3-4 miles outside.
- If you aren’t at this point start small and build your way up everyday. I love getting outside because of the natural small hills and challenges along the way
- ABs & Arms:
- 40 Russian twists (holding 10lb weigh or (2) 5lb) right into –>
- 15 suitcases
- 30 toe touches
- 10 push-ups into 10 plank raises (forearm plank to palms)
- 8 arm raises (front, 30% angle & lateral = 1)
- [repeat 2-3X if you feel up to it & skip the plank]
- 4-6 minute plank
- 1 minute fore arms
- 30 seconds each side
- 1 minute raised on palms
- 30 seconds each side (on palms)
- 15 seconds rock back and forth on fore arms
- 15 seconds on side – move hips up/ down
- 15-30 seconds plank raises (forearm to palms)
- [extend as long as you can!]
I am definitely not a professional, but after years of training for sports and playing D1 lacrosse at UMass- Amherst (Kate and I both played there) there are a lot of techniques and routines to push yourself and be successful!
Workout Gear:
I don’t have a big gym or room in my house that is dedicated for working out, but I clear a space in the living room and create time to get it done. I was a little self conscious to show you my space, but realized that this is real life and I’m happy to have a place (little or big) to call home! ๐
– anne