outfit details HERE
Kate here! Sharing a new workout today, my first workout after having Hudson! It’s been a while since I filmed a workout, but even a while since I’ve lifted and activated my muscles. For me, working out and getting in shape has always been about feeling good, so I’m excited that I’m officially ready to get back to normal workouts. I stopped running probably half way through the second trimester because for me, running didn’t feel right or great anymore so instead I switched to walking everyday.
The three of us love to create our own workouts even if it’s something small- it keeps things interesting!
Tips for getting back in shape
- Start slow– this one was tough for me because I’m feeling good so want to push myself harder the first days, but know that I don’t want to take one step forward and two steps back. Some of my muscles haven’t been activated like this for months!
- Labor is a major workout– which I didn’t even realize lol! I swear your body is still affected by it even six weeks later so go slow.
- Don’t get discouraged. I’m writing this for myself! I tried to do push-ups one of my favorite exercises and could barely do them anymore.
- Don’t feel the need to rush back. I took the full six weeks until I saw my doctor. I was talking to a fellow follower the other day about not obsessing over fitting into your old clothes right away, it will take time!
- Days off- pre-baby I would shoot to workout at least 5 days a week then feel bad it I missed a day. I’m going to try to not feel guilty and just roll with it if I miss a day whether I’m tired or I simply can’t fit it in.
Workout plan
I will probably shoot to run most days when I can get outside, but for days when I can’t or the weather is bad I love doing circuits like this that help to tone my muscles. Joel helped me with some ideas- it’s always fun to grab a partner and do this with!
START: STRETCHING & ACTIVATION * don’t skip! foam roll, static lunges and push-ups
- 5 x 5 second squat jumps
- 5 front raises, 5 diagonal raises & 5 lateral raises * used 5lb weight
- 20 deadbugs (lay on back and alternate arm/ leg going straight
- 30 second plank hold
I would always skip stretching before and after, but so important if you’re postpartum that you take the time to do so so that you don’t pull a muscle.