- This pink set is back from last year and it sold out quick last year. Top and shorts.
- spanx biker shorts !
- Love this tank or this dress is perfect for the fourth.
- Also love this dress
- I need this top for high waisted pants
- this romper is too cute!
- I need this black maxi dress .
- I love these mom shorts on sale today for $41
- this maxi is cute too
- I have this pink leopard tank in my cart.
- These studded sandals would go with everything!
Friday Five
Amazon has been a life saver lately with this move (Grace). It is honestly really tough adjusting to living 15 min from anywhere pretty much. When I do venture out it takes about 3 hours because I figure well I came all the way here I have to go to home goods, target ect. LOL! I pretty much don’t have the time to go out much or really feel like dragging the kids out so I will share some amazon finds I am loving.
Workout Wednesday: training, motivation & go-to workouts
Hi guys! We have been receiving a bunch of messages asking about workouts; what a typical workout looks like, training for a 10K, how many times we workout etc. I wanted to answer some questions and share some of my tips for those goals!
Walmart Try-On & Everyday Items
Sharing some favorite recent Walmart finds on the blog today! Kate and I (Anne) thought it would be fun to share a little try-on with the pieces we picked out. Even though we are in different places right now, we love coordinating and working together on favorite finds. The 3 of us are talking and coordinating non-stop! It’s always so fun to see what each other picks out, most of the time it’s the same items! On top of our try-on we wanted to share 7 items we use from Walmart everyday!
Father’s Day Gift Ideas
Weekend Sales!
outfit details HERE
- Abercrombie – up to 50% off + 25% off 4 items, 15% off 3 items use code: 14965
- Aerie – Swimsuits BOGO free! 30% off apparel
- American Eagle – 20% off everything + BOGO50% off shorts
- Anthropologie – 20% off everything! Love this midi dress
- Banana Republic – up to 40% off summers styles
- Bloomingdales – 25% off friends & family. Need these Tory slides
- Express – summer sale starting at $14 + 50% off select styles. I love this dress for a cocktail party ($39)
- Loft – $25 select dresses/ buy 2 tops, 40% off buy 3, 50% off
- Lord & Taylor – extra 30% off use code FRIENDS. Love this classic off the shoulder top for $17
- Macy’s – extra 30%, 25% or 10% off use promo code: FRIEND
- Madewell – extra 20% off use code: ENJOY20
- Mark & Graham – 20% off Father’s Day gifts use code: PREMIERVIP. over $100 off my favorite luggage
- Nordstrom – new markdowns. Love these wedges only $49
- Nordstrom Rack – new markdowns. Everyone needs these leggings $28!! Love this cami too
- QVC – bare minerals on sale. Just got this and we are obsessed. Also, just got these My Pillows lol love it!!
- Target – women’s dresses on sale. Love a good t-shirt dress
- Urban Outfitters – select dresses $25, new markdowns. Love this headband!