Haven’t posted a Motherhood Monday series in a while because it has been so busy with two! At the same time, it is so hard to believe that Jackson is already one month old! He is such a good baby and this time is so much different. I am busier for one, chasing after Mason, and I am less stressed, knowing kinda what to expect after Mason.
With Mason being the first, of course, I went way overboard on everything. Honestly, a lot of things we could have done without. Babies are so simple! So for the first month I am just going to list our most used products and a couple things that didn’t work so great for us. Just keep in mind every baby is different, so it might work for you!
- Owlet. This is an investment for sure. It allows me to sleep at night, knowing that it will monitor their breathing and heart rate. Read more here Owlet review here
- diapers (for diapers I love pampers because they have a blue strip to let you know when it is dirty. Target always runs specials on them like right now/ wipes
- burp clothes (These cloth ones are the best, not the cutest but work great)
- Safety Kit
- A few newborn onsies and some undershirts . Do yourself a favor and buy zip up onesies because in the middle of the night buttons are a bad idea! (Didn’t know this with Mason) I really love these ones here. Also don’t go overboard. He was only in his newborn ones for like 2 weeks max!
- We used these swaddles the first 3 weeks til he wanted his arms free and graduated to these .
- I used this fisher price rocker for Mason and now Jackson. Once he rolls I will move him to a crib . We do not have a bassinet or sno ect. This has a built in sound machine and rocks. It also plugs into the wall. (Try to avoid battery operated swings its too much work to keep changing batteries, or at least for me). Its also great to put them in for naps and light weight.
- I wish I had known about this $24 bouncer before purchasing the $$$ Mamaroo. I’m sure the Mamaroo works for some of you, but not us. Mason never used it either. Anyways, this bouncer plays music and vibrates. It is lightweight so I can bring it into the kitchen while I make dinner or my room while I do laundry.
- Blankets- Love these swaddles because they are lightweight to throw on him during the day.
- My mom got Mason this little giraffe blanket when he was born and he never puts it down. He calls it “B” . LOL. Jackson loves his just as much . We have different colors for them because Jackson is not allowed to touch “B” . HAHA
- We have this exact bath tub. $15 and works great. I just use this bath pitcher to rinse him and this to scrub his hair.
- Dock a tot – I love this for naps and carrying him from room to room. Some moms love it for travel too. Also good for diaper changes in your room at night when the changing table is too far… the fabric cover washes .. BUT……
- Be sure to grab these disposable diaper pads for night diaper changes (cleaning your bed in the middle of the night is the worst! ) They are also great for using in public bathrooms.
- My sweet neighbor got us this Podster which we use over boppy . It is deeper and seems more cozy for him. He loves napping in this!
- I ordered a huge pack of these hand wipes and keep them everywhere! Having a baby during flu season is scary.
- Diaper bag- finally got this freshly picked one! It can be worn two ways. Will share when it arrives ๐
- Carseat – I have the uppababy system. It works great for two also! So it was worth the $. Super light weight. With Mason I had no idea you needed to get an infant insert for their tiny heads!
- Running Stroller – Bob Jogger / seat adapter to put carseat in (because Jackson is still too small)
- Cute Clothes – I tend to go overboard here because I can’t help it but some cute stores for them are Janie and Jack, Hanna Anderson (the best sleepers ), Baby Gap , Target Cat & Jack line.
- dreft laundry detergent and spray for messes
- For you – grab nursing pads / nursing bras / the best nursing tank $15 today / Belly bandit and compression leggings.

dock a tot / nightgown c/o(milkbarn)

my scarf / boots / jeans / Jacksons outfit – overalls / button up / freshly picked moccasins