- This thumbhole tee vs this sold out one at Nordstrom
- These target joggers are super soft and under $20 . This pair is sold out .
- $20 plaid shirt similar to this one right around $100
- These tie waist pants under $30 compare to this pair I would grab the dupes for these.
- These $18 leopard sneakers (Kate and Grace both have) similar to an adidas pair that sold out in the sale
- This trench for under $50 or this one for $150
- These Nike 270s sold out fast. I actually own this pair too. I love them for just running errands in, but not running. They are super cute with joggers or leggings.
- Loving this leopard dress under $20 (actually like this one better.) This one sold out super quick
- Target combat boots under $40! Grabbing this pair for sure! Similar to these $100 ones
- Similar cardigan to the barefoot dreams. I have to say that the barefoot dreams is 100% worth it especially with the sale going on.
- These pjs under $30! Similar to this pair . I actually would recommend the nordstrom pair they wash better.
- These slippers under $20! This ugg pair sold out
- Under $40 for these mules. Identical to this pair that sold out in most colors
- Knee high boots under $40 compared to this pair.
- Similar to spanx but I would honestly say grab the spanx now because they never go on sale this much and nothing compares to the way they suck you in!
- This white dress is similar to this sold out nsale one.
- These leggings and matching top are similar to the sold out zella pair .
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