Jeans / hat (Sold out) similar here / madewell tote / free people peplum (50% off) / miller sandals
- Zella 7/8 leggings here or dupe for the 7/8 zella leggings under $20 ( I have both and love them equally. Zella is a little thicker)
- I didn’t grab these camo sneakers quick enough but I have these camo wedge sneakers in my cart!
- This pj set always sells out quick. This one is only $22 (all three of us have both but love the $22 the same)
- Not a dupe but the same spanx same price as sale but fully stocked!!!
- These tall boots are similar to this pair that is under $100!
- I tried ordering ugg slippers but they got cancelled. These uggs are almost the exact same!!
- Patagonias on sale HERE!
- These leopard sneakers sold out too quick. These leopard wedges are such a steal
- tried ordering this leopard midi but it was sold out. I like this one even more! This one is cute too!
- Leopard is everywhere This leopard cardigan is only $24!
- This leopard jogger set is sold out but I this this short set is so cute for right now
- This leopard blazer sold out fast. This leopard blazer is similar
- Sold out alo leggings or these Alo leggings here under $40!!
- I really wanted these mother denim jeans but didn’t want to spend that much even with the sale price. This pair looks identical! I am also ordering this pair from walmart!!
- This snakeskin hat is similar to one we all grabbed
- So many of you tried to grab these dad jeans. Honestly I like this pair better . My topshop ones stretched too much!
- This leopard cami is 40% off!! code prefall
- My sister was able to grab these snakeskin flats . I ordered this similar pair. Another similar pair .
- This snakeskin bag sold out during the presale!! I am going to order this strap and this bag .
- These zella joggers sold out. I also love these amazon ones are $20!
- I got these asics….then found this identical pair for $52!! UGH
- This barefoot dreams cardi is fully stocked and just as good of price!
- Snakeskin Booties from nsale- Dupe Booties fully stocked for $59
- nsale leopard cardi sold out- Similar leopard cardi for $28!
- Comfy sets here – pants / top ordered these $20 joggers / love this top / joggers $11 / cant stop wearing this set
- This something navy skirt is slim on sizes. Found this one under $20!!
- zella biking shorts sold out. I have this amazon pair .
- Leopard sneakers here under $30!!
- I got a bp bodysuit that sold out but this one is similar
- I can’t get over the price of this suede skirt! Pretty much fully stocked too (I got the one from the nsale and it’s the same brand, runs small) Pink is still $98 on Nordstrom!

Several colors $16!