Sharing a few ways I’m getting ready for baby number 2, along with some items you’ll be seeing a lot of! Baby boy’s arrival is early February and definitely have a long list of things we want to get done before he is here.
Read more: How I’m getting ready for baby #2!Charlie and I travel a lot, just the two of us, and one thing that was essential during those early months was our Baby Bjรถrn Baby Carrier Mini. Now with baby boy coming in February, we upgraded to the Baby Carrier One Air, which supports 0-3 years old. I love that I have the option to carry a newborn or carry Charlie, whose 17 months, on my back or front.
When he was 10-12 months old, just before he started walking, it was hard to put him down while opening the stroller, getting on the plane. The Baby Carrier One and Baby Carrier One Air would have been a great option to provide a little more support for me and Charlie when getting through the airports. Also, after 12 months old they are able to be carried on your back!
Reasons we love the Baby Carrier One Air
- Four carrying positions; newborn, facing in, facing out, on your back
- 8-33 lbs, 21-31 inches, 0-3 years
- Airy 3D mesh – breathable, great option if you live in warmer climates!
- Safety clicks – I love that I can hear the straps when they are secure
- Relieves pressure on shoulders and back
- Matt can wear it!
Baby Bjรถrn Favorites
- Baby Carrier Mini– This is the one I traveled with for Charlie when he was 0-22lbs (Kate and Grace have the same exact one)
- Baby Carrier One Air– fits 0-3 years old. Love that I can wear Charlie on my back!
- Baby Carrier Free– fits 0-15 months old.
- Now having a toddler + newborn, this Bouncer is a great option for when I need to set him down.
- Planning on getting this Cover for Baby Carrier. Great option since he will be born in the winter!
- I love this Dinnerware Set, 8 pcs. This makes such a great gift! Before you know it they are eating!
- Small Baby Bib- 2-pack! These are perfect for when they start solids
House Updates
- Add a dresser (just got this one!)Will probably use for Charlie’s clothes and keep the smaller one for baby boy.
- Build out closet in the spare bedroom
- Baby hangers
- Organization bins
- Stock the changing table; diapers, extra onesies, lots of burp clothes
- Look into a wearable breast pump
- As we getting closer, we are planing on stocking the freezer with some ready made meals!
See my recent reel with our new Baby Bjรถrn Baby Carrier One. Charlie loves getting in it!

Thank you Baby Bjรถrn for sponsoring this blog, all options are my own