How far along...almost 37 weeks!!
Gender… boy
Sleep...I can’t well at all, usually up for a couple hours in the middle of the night.
Overall feeling...tired, but not quite ready for two! Heartburn at night.
Diaper Bag... I found I end up using totes more with Mason so I am ordering this insert .
Names… not sure. We have first name but need a middle!
Maternity Clothes– yes. I love asos ,ย a pea in the pod, macys , shoppinkblush and targetย
This is the cutest sweatshirt from target!
I figure I will pick things up as I need them because each baby is so different and amazon prime, but here are a few things I have gotten ready. I feel like I still have a ways to go! I plan on finishing my hospital bag today.
A few things I have from Mason that I loved…
Carseat –
Dock a tot – loved this
The owlet– I felt like I was able to sleep when he wore this . On sale hereย
Rock n play- he slept in this for the first few months
A few new items…ย
Phil and Ted Dot incline Stroller – Love this because its lightweight for being a double and narrow enough to take shopping
Stella Wee Baby – This is to get Mason used of the idea he will have a baby coming. He takes his pacifier in and out and feeds him with his bottle!
Swaddles – Mason hated but we ll try!
So many cute outfits of course!
For Me….
Portable phone battery – for hospital!
Socks – I remember wearing these in hospital last time!
My look – free people sweater (in stock here) – leggings – –red hat – otk boots – scarfย
Mason – plaid shirt –