Workout outfit details HERE
Happy workout Wednesday! All about getting outside and doing a quick workout lately. Whether is is a walk, a jog or run it has been really helpful not just for my physical health, but mental health. Lately I have been loving the afternoon workouts- I feel with everything going on it’s been a nice way to bring the stress and anxiety level down and clear my head. What is your favorite? Morning workouts or afternoon?
Below sharing all the details for this workout, but be sure to check out Instagram for how to’s!
2 miles- No track or treadmill just head out around the neighborhood and see if you can find some hills! We ran one mile then once we hit the second mile ran 30 seconds hard and walk 15 seconds for this complete mile.
*TIP: Try to find telephone polls and use those as markers for run/walk
Hill sprints: If you can find a hit or even a slight in crease do 3-5 hill sprints! Sprint hard up and jog back down
LEGS– 20 split squats, 10 jump squat, 10 stationary side lunge squats
ARMS- 5-5-5 Push-ups– 5 with your arms in tight, 5 normal push-ups, 5 wide arm push-ups. *Don’t stop in between
Stair Triceps *using deck stairs, front stairs or chair in your house 15 triceps
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