I know it can get overwhelming scrolling through this site so we picked some favorites, including some great gift ideas! Don’t miss out.. this sale is so good! XO
- This poncho . Its on their best seller list for a reason
- Get one of these graphic tees now. I have this one and wear it under cardigans or jackets now
- Anyone on your list would love these spanx. They suck everything in and if in between sizes go up. I wish i got a small not Xsmall
- I love this simple topย
- GIFT ALERT- teacher gifts or anyone really.. fill these $5 mugs with candy or gift card(s)
- For any tea drinkers... how cute its this?! add a box of tea and your good
- I personally want this dress... I think it would be so cute with a cardigan now and on its own later.
- This dress is now under $100 and perfect to wear with heels for a more dressy occasion or tights and flats to an office party… Also LOVE this one.. i think my sisters got it.
- The perfect top with a twist that would also make a great gift.
- This top is another good one. Two of us actually got it without knowing .