Hi guys! Today I’m sharing a weekly update today for Workout Wednesday! Last week HERE Kate shared some things that motivate her and the struggles of staying on schedule. So far this week has been so crazy! From a wedding weekend to officially moving the last of Matt’s things into our house I’ve feel like we’ve been up till 2am for days!
Yesterday I finally got out and back on the workout grind. It felt nice to clear my head and get my legs moving. Even though I felt tired running it woke my muscles up and gave me some energy. Sharing my 30 minute workout below:
2 miles outside — love running outside because of the natural hills, turns etc.
- 1st mile –jog
- 2nd mile– jog/ sprint between the telephone poles (approx. 50 yards)
set 1
- X jumps (10 each side)
- 10 push-ups
- 20 tricep dips (hands behind you fingers facing forward)
set 2
- 10 sit ups
- 40 Russian twists
- 15 bicycles
set 3
- 5 push ups with 5 second hold at the bottom
- 10 squats holds with 5 second hold
- 40 toe touches
(repeat set if you have time!)
Loving these workout looks lately: